Sunday, November 9, 2008

Life with a Three year old, 20 month old and a one month old...

Jacob loves his little sister, and i can't keep him from picking her up and holding her. Every time i leave the room it gets quite and Hadley will start to cry or she'll stop. I'll ask "Jake what are you doing?" "Nothing just holding my sister." Even when she was a week old I was standing in the kitchen talking with my mom and sister and Jake came running through saying "I just got my sister!" We all looked at each other not sure what he said then Bethany stopped him and we found that he was carrying her into the playroom with all the kids! So Bethany grabs Hadley and says "Let her go!" "NO! You let her go." They went back and forth yelling at each other werstling on the kitchen floor and i just sat there laughing cause i knew she wouldn't get hurt. It was so funny.
Oliver on the other hand is 20 months now and we are trying to break him of the pacifier. Hadley doesn't take one that often. But when she does have it Oliver will steel it and says "Mine." Sometimes if i don't have a pacifier for her I'll let her suck on my finger. Well Oliver has taken note of this and has begun to stick his finger down her throat when we are in the car! He also takes her blanket off her and puts it on the floor in the car. So Oliver got moved to one side and Hadley to the other and Jake in the middle. We need a van to spilt them up!


  1. Hey! Love the new pictures! The picture of Justin and Hadley is classic!!!

  2. That sounds a little crazy!
    How are you guys? I can't believe that you have 3 kids! I knew that you had 2 kids but when i looked at your blog i was surprised to see 3!
    You guys are such a cute family!!! Miss hanging out with ya:)
